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Frequently Asked Questions

你可能会发现自己需要推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您检察官办公室的服务, 或者至少需要一些关于如何解决你可能面临的问题的指导. Below are some common questions we receive; if you can't find your answer here, feel free to call our office at (989) 790-5330.

If you have an emergency, please call 911. 只有在执法部门介入后,检察官办公室才会介入案件.

推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您政府中心实际上有两个检察官办公室. 一个是处理刑事案件的办公室,这个办公室位于二楼, Room 212, of the main building. The other is the DHHS office, 该办公室负责处理子女抚养和亲子关系问题,该办公室位于政府中心附属大楼(西北区)的一楼.

检察官办公室只根据警方的报告对个人提出刑事指控. As a result, 如果你是犯罪的受害者,并希望看到对犯罪者的指控, 你必须首先与警方联系,让一名警官提交报告,或者自己提交报告. Depending on the police agency, an investigation then commences, 该机构向我们的办公室提供了他们完成的调查,以审查潜在的指控. If the police agency does not perform further investigation, and you still want to see charges issued, you then must contact our office, either in person or by phone. 对个人提出指控的决定是检察官办公室的决定,而且只能是检察官办公室的决定. While we value victims’ wishes, 受害者希望对某人提出指控的愿望并不是唯一的决定因素.

如果你是某一案件的受害者而你不想再继续追查下去, you may contact our office, either in person or by phone, to discuss this with our victims’ rights office. 不起诉潜在被告或撤销对被告的指控是检察官办公室的决定,而且只能是检察官办公室的决定. While we value victims’ wishes, 受害者希望撤诉的愿望并不是唯一的决定因素. If a case has already been issued against a defendant, 让我们知道你不想再看到这个案子继续下去的最好办法就是填写一份受害人影响陈述, 我们会给我们选择起诉的所有案件的受害者发邮件吗. Please fill out this paperwork and return it to our office, either by mail or in person, and it will be added to our case file, 这样我们的助理检察官就能读到你对案件的看法了吗. If you did not receive a victim’s brochure and impact statement in the mail, please contact our office as soon as possible so we can provide one for you.

First and foremost, 检查你的传票,以确保我们的办公室是传唤你的人-你应该看到检察官约翰·麦考根的名字在传票上. If it was our office that subpoenaed you, then please follow the instructions on the back of the subpoena. Importantly, please call (989) 790-5580 after 5 p.m. the day before the subpoena directs you to be in court. 一个自动信息会告诉你,你被传唤的案件是否仍然安排在第二天开始,或者是否已经推迟.

No, it is not. 如果您是受害者,并选择让我们的办公室通知您所有未来的法庭日期为您的案件, 我们的受害者权利办公室会给你寄张明信片通知你开庭日期. 这些明信片不是出庭命令——如果你想参加庭审的话, you may, but your attendance is not required unless you have received a subpoena.

个人保护令(PPO)是法官发出的保护个人不被联系的命令, directly or indirectly, by another individual. 个人在推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您政府中心地下室的PPO办公室寻找PPO,并独立寻找, not through or by the prosecutor’s office. 这些命令可经受保护方请求并经法官批准而延长. For more information on PPOs, including violations see the PPO page or call (989) 790-5412.
禁止接触令是在刑事案件中发出的,防止被告接触, directly or indirectly, the victim or victims in those cases. These orders are not issued (and thus, (实际上)直到被告出庭传讯(他们第一次在法官面前出庭). 受害人如果认为被告违反了禁止接触令,应与违法行为发生地有管辖权的警察机关联系, 在紧急情况下拨打911或在非紧急情况下致电或访问警察局. Once police have been contacted, 受害者可以联系检察官办公室通知我们违规行为. 违反规定可能会导致法官撤销被告的保释,将他们送回监狱.

The Family Division of the Circuit Court, located at 3360 Hospital Road in Saginaw Township, 处理大多数16岁及以下青少年的犯罪案件,以及所有涉及虐待、忽视儿童和父母权利的案件. For questions on these cases, please call (989) 799-2821.

These appointments are handled by the prosecutor’s office’s DHS office, 它位于政府中心附属楼(西北区)的一层. 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您政府中心二楼的检察官办公室处理刑事案件.

No, you should not. If you believe there is a warrant for your arrest, 你可致电(989)790-5385致电区域法院刑事组,或致电(989)790-5470致电巡回法院.

No, you should not. 是否发放隐蔽手枪许可证(CPL)的决定权在密歇根州警察手中. 同样,暂停或撤销cpl的决定也取决于密歇根州警方. For CPL-related questions, call (517) 284-3700.

Just as you would if you want charges issued against a perpetrator, 你必须做的第一件事是联系收到支票的地方的警察机构,要么由警官提交报告,要么自己提交报告. 提交报告后,您必须通过挂号信向违法者发送5天的通知. If the offender does not respond in the given timeframe, you can bring your information to the financial investigator in our office, who then sends a final 10-day notice to the offender. If payment is not made in full, the financial investigator will seek a criminal warrant for the offender.